About 31% of students within the district live on a military base while 40% are funded military dependents.
Altogether, including military dependents and civilians, the base and city are home to 26,000 Americans.
Several collegiate institutions provide benefits for military dependents such as Colorado State University.
The Department of Defense concedes that it needs 81,000 more day care slots for military dependents.
These biases are maintained well past the time they cease to be military dependents.
Many of Killeen's residents have retired from the military or are military dependents.
Nearly half the students are military dependents from the nearby Fort Bliss installation.
Opened in 1981, the school is for English-speaking American military dependents.
Prior to moving to New Orleans she had taught in an overseas military dependents schools which were integrated.
In mid-1948 she received upgraded accommodations for military dependents.