Israeli officials told the Americans that they simply must have freedom of action for their military deterrent to be effective.
Initially designed to be manned by a force of 800 men, the fort was never fully garrisoned and mainly took on a role as a military deterrent along the border.
At the meeting, officials talked about increasing the North's "military deterrent" - a phrase used by the country to refer to its nuclear program.
Yet the Administration seems to assume that talking with Beijing can produce results on issues from trade to human rights, even as it whittles down our military deterrent.
Without the support of Arab countries, it would be hard to sustain any meaningful economic sanctions or to pose a credible military deterrent.
But they also believe the war itself has already harmed Hezbollah's strength as a military deterrent for Iran on the Israeli border.
The duchy of Dentelinus was primarily meant as a military and strategical deterrent against Frisian and Saxon invasions.
General Rogers said the missile treaty left Western Europe without a military deterrent.
The West will continue to refuse to believe a military deterrent is necessary.
Their sole purpose is to find the military deterrents to the danger from the Soviets all along our border.