Many Democrats warned of an American military entanglement similar to the one in Vietnam.
'The priority at the moment is the safety of the UN troops on the ground and being wary of the dangers of long-term military entanglement.'
Those who remember that experience should resist another Israeli military entanglement with a hostile Arab population.
In 1966, the Council was bitterly split over the issue of American military entanglement in Vietnam.
Its thesis is that throughout history, imperial powers have accelerated their decline by diverting too much energy to military entanglements rather than activities that are more productive economically.
From the other side, the British scheme ran into objections from the neutral states which wanted to avoid both the close integration of the Six and military entanglements within NATO.
During most of Alexander's reign, the regime had carefully avoided all but minor military entanglements.
All the while, oil dependency increases the likelihood of further military entanglements, and threatens the economy with inflation, high interest rates and risky foreign indebtedness.
For Mr. Yeltsin, who clearly wants to avoid any military or political entanglement in the Yugoslav crisis, such support has been a problem.
This approach to Iraq seems intended to prevent an Iranian victory and repair relations with Baghdad while avoiding direct American military entanglement in the war.