The entire population of the military frontier, particularly the so-called frontiersmen, had the duty to protect this area of permanent unrest and terrible destruction.
He wrote books on life in the frontier military and the manual for the U.S. cavalry.
Yet in Ireland the military frontier frustrated similar attempts to enlarge the English Pale.
A computer-generated mission rehearsal that models human behavior and the emotions that govern it crosses a military frontier.
In Croatia, where Serbs had fled westward from the Turks and formed a military frontier, or "krajina," against them?
During the 16th century it held an important military position as one of the centers for organizing supplies for the military frontier.
New religious orders were founded with vocations for military or missionary frontiers.
"In medieval times the Dordogne was the military frontier," Marek said.
The descendants of those who occupied the military frontier form a large element of the 550,000 Serbs who still live in Croatia.
This tradition persisted even after the dissolution of the military frontier in 1881.