The picture shows him dressed in military garb and brandishing a rifle.
It has been a hundred years since a Mexican president appeared in military garb, and the choice seemed no accident to most people here.
Chiarosan troops, in military garb, were attacking the villagers, killing many of them.
It had but one occupant- a Klah'kimmbri in rather elaborate military garb.
Behind them, a small clutch of men in a medley of military garb sat around watching.
According to other accounts, the prince had changed into the military garb - becoming dressed to kill - before he fired any shots.
Half the men in town wore a mixture of military and civilian garb.
Only problem being that the drivers of the trucks weren't in military garb.
Men and women in both military garb and civilian clothes were busy throughout the room.
General Quiet (a man dressed in military garb with a missile where his head should be)