These forces would have been capable of dealing decisively with any Irish military incursion into the area.
But the President-elect has never suggested that he would be willing to contemplate allied military incursions to help the rebels.
I wish only to defend the people of this state and do promise not to undertake any military incursions against the Federal Army.
In any event, the Chinese are well aware of America's military incursions into little countries abroad and its miserable civil rights record at home.
Recent military incursion into Somalia has compounded a sense of uncertainty and insecurity.
The head of Russia's security council said he had seen intelligence indicating plans for a military incursion were well advanced.
When they finished, a grid of 50 new streets cut through the eighth-century graveyard, wide enough for a future military incursion.
Israeli military incursions into areas that have been transferred to Palestinian control are violations of signed agreements.
The fact remains that this was a military incursion into neighbouring territory which is not under the control of the central authorities in Iraq.
Minutes after the vote today, members of Parliament said they would fight a Turkish military incursion themselves.