In period it's unlikely that a relatively modern military lorry would have been sacrificed in this way, being too valuable to replace losses after Dunkirk.
However, the convoy of military lorries that was expected never materialised.
Later, Richie finds some fish, which fell off a military lorry heading away from the nuclear power station.
Property changed hands rapidly, office furniture vans and military lorries delivered or removed furniture.
The British soldiers assisted in the firefight as long as they could, using military lorries to transport fire victims and their goods to refugee settlements.
The tunnel would allow military lorries to travel within the Rock.
More traffic overtook them, and now there was noticeable a greater proportion of military lorries mingled with the cars.
Buses and military lorries were crossing Vauxhall Bridge, dirty smoke was drifting from the old factories south of the bridge.
He was responsible for designing dummy tanks constructed on the backs of military lorries as a decoy.
Put a freeze on the military trade, try to reach a peace agreement and meanwhile, deploy your military lorry capacity and manpower where they are needed.