There are jokes about the military and the military mind-set.
"From a military mind-set, civilian casualties are one of the trade-offs."
Unlike Mr. Rabin, they say, Mr. Barak never completed the shift from his military mind-set.
In these days of spin and rigidly controlled press access, it's hard to tell exactly what the military mind-set is, especially among people trained for covert work.
Stan Solloway, a former top Pentagon procurement official who now heads an association of contractors, said the company "understood the military mind-set" and "did a very good job in the Balkans."
Though, its idea supports the powerful military mind-set, but the Establishment itself is "not" exclusively military.
Army people, on the other hand, tend to exemplify the military mind-set, totally tightassed about trivial minutiae, and really into the yes sir/no sir funny business.
Discipline and a military mind-set are not synonymous, Doctor.
It was the perfect setting for developing a military mind-set.
It was typical, the investigators said, of a military mind-set that piles perquisites on its senior commanders.