The long-term damage to American military morale is beyond counting.
In the end, advisers chose to limit his remarks to the subjects of taxes and military morale.
Unable to battle the deadly combination of military defeat and plague military morale seems to have collapsed.
While this might be an everyday event for many families, his session was conducted long distance, and was aimed at improving military morale.
One indicator that military morale remains strong is the numbers of those who re-enlist while deployed.
It was likely easier to create political movements and military morale with such notions, than a strictly personal idea of experience.
In 2002, a report judged "that Iraqi military morale and battlefield cohesion are more fragile today than in 1991."
It has not achieved the anticipated negative effect on military or civilian morale.
The army angrily denounced the investigations, saying they were sapping military morale.
That could damage military morale, break faith with service families and swell unemployment rolls.