Both of them were heavily armed with automatic weapons, including a grenade launcher with military munitions.
Infrared homing : This form of guidance is used exclusively for military munitions, specifically air-to-air and surface-to-air missiles.
Fuze is a device to detonate military munitions.
But the officials cautioned that military munitions might be easy to obtain in postwar Iraq.
"This may be an indication of few explosives available," General Odierno said, citing efforts by his troops to detonate or guard Iraqi military munitions.
The government appointed three civilian judges with no expertise in military munitions to further investigate the most recent accident.
The United States had very little capacity for manufacturing military munitions in 1939 when World War II broke out.
In military munitions, a fuze is the part of the device that initiates function.
But he said that the investigators were unable to determine which of the 432 explosions were military munitions and which might have been copies of those explosives.
Many insurgent attacks have been carried out using improvised explosive devices made from military munitions, most often 122 mm artillery shells and landmines.