Argentine democrats have been humbled and weakened by military mutinies.
Government crackdowns against the practice are thought to have been a factor in a failed military mutiny in May 2004.
It included worker strikes, peasant unrest, and military mutinies.
More serious was a 1996 attempted coup that originated as a military mutiny caused by the armed forces' poor living conditions.
He was deposed by a military mutiny in September 1853 by one of the Colorado party.
A month before the national elections, and while leading the polls, he was finally condemned to a ten-year prison term for his 1996 military mutiny.
Solomon achieved significant successes against them, but his work was interrupted by a widespread military mutiny in 536.
It included terrorism, worker strikes, peasant unrests, and military mutinies.
Two days later, the military mutiny took the Government by surprise.
The crisis was exacerbated by military mutinies and high oil prices, the latter a result of the 1973 oil crisis.