Once again Cole's party was met by an official entourage, this time in full military regalia.
Behind him was the ubiquitous picture of old Uncle Saddam, in full military regalia and looking good.
Duncan Idaho, in full military regalia, knocked on the half-open wooden door.
The inside flap shows him in full military regalia.
I think the last time I saw him was when he came over, dressed all up in military regalia, around 1969 or 1970.
Standing there in full military regalia was the camp commander.
The first court assembled in full military regalia with a full military guard.
Next come galleries devoted to fancy military regalia, armor, sabers and cavalry trappings.
For them, military regalia could safely be romanticized, the way animals of prey became adornments after the taxidermist's art.
Hawat stood stiff and formal, resplendent in his Atreides military regalia.