Important military rivalries in human history have come about as a result of conflict between French peoples and other European powers.
After military rivalry, the obvious competitive questions concern economic arrangements.
While these military rivalries may give civilians a new opening, they also heighten the risk of civil war.
Instead of keeping the peace by overcoming the sense of military rivalry, they tried to keep the confrontation peaceful.
This could start them down the road to global competition with the United States and, in a crisis over national interests, military rivalry.
Few things appear constant in the Congo's political and military rivalries and alliances.
North Africa has been the source of both cultural and economic interactions as well as military rivalries that became famous wars in history.
Its closeness to Laodicea led to commercial and military rivalry.
History shows that free trade and military rivalry - however disguised - make for uncomfortable bedfellows.
We have witnessed economic, political, even military rivalry in this region.