Mr Hrawi said no decision had been taken yet for a military showdown.
Nevertheless, he sees incidents like the one in Mecca as an alternative to a military showdown.
On the other is Codrington's private correspondence, notably to his sister, which suggests that he regarded a military showdown as inevitable.
"Something will have to give in a week or two," the diplomat said, not excluding the possibility of a military showdown.
He risked the possibility of a military showdown akin to that of 1642.
Reports citing reliable sources claimed that Diem was planning a military showdown against the Buddhists.
At Falluja, the fighting around the mosque underscored the odds against a lasting breakthrough to avert a military showdown.
"And risk a military showdown with the United States?"
Mr. Bush himself acknowledged last night that many fair questions had been raised about the need for a military showdown with Iraq.
Foreign policy involves far more than secret arms deals, late night calls to world leaders and military showdowns.