The conditions there are so extreme that the bitter cold claims more lives than the sporadic military skirmishes.
Recent military skirmishes make any revival of this deal unlikely for the time being.
Suicide attacks, military skirmishes, and air raids took place during the latter part of 2006.
It also had the least of internal military skirmishes, despite its continuous conflicts with Christophe's northern kingdom.
In a military skirmish today, 500 deaths would be considered a significant loss for any country, superpower or otherwise.
"In a military skirmish, the Thais know they would be beaten badly - walloped."
However, for decades prior to the 2011 Libyan civil war the countries were enemies and engaged each other in several military skirmishes.
These islands were the site of several military skirmishes during the 1960s.
Any merely military skirmish, he thought, would have been broken off long before this.
Schultz's followers engaged in a number of military skirmishes with the Riel government.