On another occasion, he dissuaded from listening to a hare-brained proposal for a military take-over of the government.
The simple fact of military take-over does not change the basic debt structure of a planet.
I even knew where there was one: a Turkish general had been killed in the 1963 military take-over and the car was for sale cheap.
There was no longer, therefore, any urgent need to prepare the political as well as the military take-over of the seat of national power.
He brought with him a thirty page document proposing a military take-over of the country.
After the military take-over in 1983, Jakande was charged, prosecuted and convicted of treason, although later he was pardoned.
This troubled the Ayyubids of Aleppo who feared it would be used as a base for a military take-over of their city.
CGMI held its third congress just before the 1965 military take-over.
A change of government or a military take-over does not change a country's debts.
Throughout the war talk of a military take-over from inept civilians never ceased.