The military uprising should not be a deterrent to investors, he said.
It is believed that one main reason for the civil war was the military uprising in 1936.
His death was soon followed by a military uprising in 8 November 1947 that abrogated the 1946 constitution.
"But the Land, they offer air transport if there is a matching military uprising on the mainland."
"If there is a military uprising with Land support, what exactly do you plan to do about it?"
There was also a "debt" for the help that these regimes had given to the military uprising.
His regime began in 1973 with a military uprising against the constitutionally elected government he was sworn to serve.
It would take more than a decade to repair the damages and losses, especially since military uprisings in the 1920S only added to the problem.
An election, however, as 192o had certainly revealed, was an invitation for political intrigue leading to a military uprising.
The military uprising against the current official government is unjustifiable, despite the worsening economic and political conditions.