"It was a military-style operation," he said.
The solution to how to neutralize Pruitt came not from a game plan of X's and O's but from military-style psychological operations.
Urbina's family refused to pay the ransom and an anti-kidnapping unit rescued her in a military-style operation on February 18, 2005.
Medical aid for the Haiti earthquake became a military-style operation.
Mr. Ramaphosa also accused the Pretoria Government of siding with employers to crush the strike in a military-style operation.
Bout was spirited out of Thailand in November 2010 in a cloak-and-dagger military-style operation that Moscow called illegal.
When a landowner requests protection from the organization, Ranch Rescue operatives set up a military-style operation on the property and terms it as such.
A military-style operation combining the latest technology with old-style ruthlessness, the Zakharov Organization benefits from access to high-tech weaponry.
As Hurricane Floyd roared up the Atlantic seaboard this week, America's biggest insurers mounted military-style operations to cope with the expected wreckage.
"It's like a military-style operation on a daily basis," said Deputy Mayor Joseph J. Lhota, who supervised the landfill shutdown.