"There is every indication they would like to resume military-to-military contacts,"he said.
Pakistan would like to buy more arms from the United States; both nations seek increased military-to-military contacts.
These organizations ensure close military-to-military contacts, and defense and security cooperation with the armed forces of Argentina.
Tokyo has even gone so far as to talk about normalizing relations with Pyongyang next year, while Seoul has increased trade and military-to-military contacts.
The first high-level military-to-military contact in more than four years has ended here after two days of talks between a Pentagon official and China's top military leaders.
Military relationships have been mainly through military-to-military contacts.
It has encouraged more military-to-military contacts.
"I don't have much military-to-military contact with Venezuela," he said.
In addition, China is expanding its military-to-military contacts in the region.
These exercises build partner capacity, develop and maintain strong regional alliances and military-to-military contacts.