He commanded a militia brigade during Price's Raid.
He raised one thousand men, nominally part of the militia brigade under Kentucky Governor Isaac Shelby, but largely operating independently.
Initially a militia brigade was dispatched.
This simply encouraged more men to join the rebels, who were organizing a militia brigade under Brigadier General Thomas Sumter.
Volunteers streamed in to join the partisan militia brigade of General Thomas Sumter.
Later, in 1858, was receiver general of the militia brigade.
On May 8, General Whiteside's militia brigade was mustered into federal service under Atkinson.
The Marines lived side-by-side with the militia brigade in Bristol, Pennsylvania for two weeks waiting for an attack from the British.
He led a militia brigade in an unsuccessful attack at Germantown in October 1777.
Despite this promulgation, these groups continued to exist and actively fought against Azerbaijani "special-purpose" militia brigades.