That he was nothing more than a militia colonel before.
Here he built a church and a school, and was appointed justice of the peace, roads commissioner, and militia colonel.
In charge was a militia colonel with slick hair and plump hands called Lyudin.
After the Revolution, one of those new residents was Peter W. Yates, a successful local lawyer and militia colonel during the war.
He was also a militia colonel and a prominent man politically in the town of Lexington.
The paper named the house's occupants in the 1840's: a militia colonel, his wife and their six children.
The unit's first commanding officer was patriot leader and pastor Peter Muhlenberg, who became a militia colonel in 1775 at the request of Washington.
He removed his clerical robes to show that he was wearing his uniform as a militia colonel.
Lynch served in the Virginia House of Burgesses and the Convention from 1769 until 1778, when he became a militia colonel.
Dooly, now a militia colonel without a state, faced a particular problem in finding allies in South Carolina.