A force of 4,000 Portuguese militia led by Nicholas Trant dealt Masséna a heavy blow when it recaptured the city on 6 October 1810.
Commanders in Karbala said it appeared as if the militia led by Mr. Sadr had cleared out of the shrine area there.
The riot was quickly routed when criollo militias led by Cornelio Saavedra surrounded the plaza and dispersed the insurgents.
Olaya Herrera radicalized and joined the armed liberal militias led by General Cenón Figueredo.
In the last six weeks, the general failed to dislodge his rivals, the 10,000-strong militia led by Dr. Samir Geagea.
Vermont's militia, led by Seth Warner, saved the day by chasing off British reinforcements.
A Virginian militia led by Bacon entered Maryland, attacked the Doeg and besieged the Susquehannock.
He fought against an alliance of militias led by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar and eventually the Taliban, who started to lay siege to the capital in January 1995.
Minutes later, his flight was hijacked, prosecutors say, by a team of Amal militia led by Mr. Yunis.
In the northern part, Shiite militias, led by the Mahdi Army, have been driving out Sunni Arabs through raids and assassinations.