They previously let the militias operate without hindrance.
Mr. Garapon believes the chain of command has been difficult to reconstruct because the military, the police and the militias often operated under different guises.
But the foreign terrorists, religious militias and criminal organizations operate from very different playbooks.
The militia jointly operated Deep Space 9 with Starfleet.
Hai Guang, militia, police and other services operate hundreds of small patrol craft.
It was the first time that the various Israeli militias would operate together as a unit and become the Israeli Defense Force.
The militias often operate with government troops and transport their captives on military trains.
Other militias also operate openly in the city, including that of Mr. Sadr.
The Pentagon estimates that as many as 19 militias are operating in Bosnia; their command is informal at best.
The militia certainly, from what I could see, was operating closely with the army.