Local armed groups and Rwandan militias use rape to systematically destroy communities.
You remember the watch point Skaara's militia used?
Shiite militias use drills to bore holes into their victims' heads.
The majority of children are used by militants, though government supported militias also use them.
Other Muslims said they heard that the Croatian militia was using the monastery to store weapons.
By 5:30 pm, militias had acquired two light machine guns and used them against the army, which began to retreat from the downtown area.
Often these militias would use certain kinds of corte, or cuts, to create terror and to send messages.
She told how local militias used to stop and gulp down as much as they wanted.
Will the militias simply use the next three months to regroup and then resume the carnage?
The militias use their police positions to further the ambitions of their political parties.