It says that in August 2003, a top executive at the milk vending company asked if he could pay the commission by check.
The dairy industry (16,000 milking cows) is especially vibrant with three milk companies operating in the region.
After loading up at the milk company we drove off on his route.
So the plan is to provide us with less nutritious milk in order to persuade milk companies from breaking the law?
"Why don't you call up some of the milk companies and find out?"
That is just what I did - and, so help me Hannah, the milk companies were slowly going crazy.
The number of milk companies in the area was cut in half as some abandoned the business while others acquired competitors.
When these big, blue-chip, mother's milk companies surprise the Street, there is some concern.
Chaudhary is unemployed, having previously worked for a milk company and trained as a teacher.
It was a form letter from the milk company informing us that they had changed to a new formula, with a new label.