On small farms, pasture animals such milk goats or a dairy cow may stay in the barnyard when not in the fields.
To complicate matters, on the same day Esperanza went into heat, Pancho Armijo came home with a brown milk goat.
Going to the pens we caught up Red Lightning and the two mares and three of my best milk goats.
Thus, they are ideal milk goats for most families.
But when I was but a child my mother kept two milk goats.
There came the soft tinkling of ceramic bells as the herd of milk goats came down off the hills.
Studies show that with 30 milk goats, each family can expect to earn $15,000 a year.
In Milk It, teams had to milk goats, enough to fill a 10 ounce cup to a marked line.
The Glenns and Clunes begin to make money from the "butter and egg business," and the Brooks buy milk goats.
That evening they assembled on the beach, and Dorian killed one of the milk goats that were kept in a cage on board the Revenge.