In New England, where there is a chronic milk shortage, such prescribed pricing is a de facto ceiling and not a support, as the Government would have the public believe.
For families with small children, for nursing mothers, for people who need milk in their diet, the milk shortage has pushed patience to the limit.
The rising cost of producing milk has caused some farmers to slaughter cows, raising the threat, said Mr. Jeffords, of milk shortages next year.
During the milk shortages of World War I, Wallach bought several milk cows and built a cowshed and grazing field for them behind the hospital.
For almost half a century, lawmakers have relied on a system of licensing restrictions enacted during the Depression, when milk shortages and dealer bankruptcies were urgent concerns.
After Rajoelina became president, Rajoelina's supporters looted Tiko dairy farms, resulting in a milk shortage in Madagascar.
"It is the milk shortage which is tearing my household apart," Melford pouted.
One product had its origins in the milk shortages in the United States during World War II.
There were milk shortages.
I would add that, with your plan, we will have a milk shortage in the future.