Some were moving catatonically, milling back and forth on the ramp and in front of the big viewscreen and in the command arena.
They stumbled to a halt, as they realised I'd stopped running, and milled back and forth, before and around me.
Outside the cell, men milled back and forth.
Crowds milled back and forth.
He had to sit here at the table looking up at the sometimes-six, sometimes-eight, sometimes-five of them milling back and forth like somnolent sheep.
People milled back and forth; the auditorium boomed and echoed with sounds of furious activity and shouted instructions.
The sodium lights and the waning sun of late afternoon cast long shadows as the people who clustered outside the quarantine dome milled back and forth, unwilling to rest.
The humanoids milled back and forth, clawing at the smoke and each other.
The people of the mountain stronghold began milling back and forth in confusion, shouting.
People were milling back and forth all around him, but there was no sign anywhere of Madelaine Skye.