Today's news conference highlighted what Chinese officials called the "dangerous" and "superstitious" aspects of Falun Gong with video clips that showed the movement's leader, Li Hongzhi, discussing supernatural powers, millennial visions and reincarnation.
By the end of World War I, even conservative trade unionists were swept up by an almost millennial vision, when the eight-hour day, the organization of all labor and the nationalization of much industry all seemed within reach.
Carolyn is similarly driven by conventional views of happiness; from her belief in "house beautiful" domestic bliss to her car and gardening outfit, Carolyn's domain is a "fetching American millennial vision of Pleasantville, or Eden".
Adolf Hitler's millennial and messianic vision which culminated in the Holocaust is sometimes referred to as an "apocalyptic antisemitism".
But now, that appears to have been superseded by the desire to impose the Taliban's millennial vision on all of Afghanistan, something Mr. Massoud and his allies, as well as many ordinary Afghans, say they do not want.
The crowd react generously to his millennial vision.
Donghak culminated in the unsuccessful Donghak Rebellion of 1894, which was fueled by a combination of religious fervor centering around the millennial visions of a coming messiah and Seoul's high taxes on rice.
Like all millennial visions, this liberal theology was doomed to disappoint.
Paine "transformed the millennial Protestant vision of the rule of Christ on earth into a secular image of utopia," emphasizing the possibilities of "progress" and "human perfectibility" that could be achieved by humankind, without God's aid.
During the 19th century the imperial urge accompanying this millennial vision made itself felt largely in North America, helping fuel westward expansion and the Indian wars.