Adrian Sinbad is a millionaire owner of an oil company and the descendant of a long-line of great mariners.
A miniature yacht, she had recently been sold, due to the death of her millionaire owner.
The millionaire owner of the arms factory where these very men worked!
Omar Pasquim is a rich millionaire owner of the large network of luxury shops, Luxus, which sells clothing to jewelry.
He is the millionaire owner of the nightclub House of Frankenstein, which is secretly a haven for vampires.
Lord Nasby was the millionaire owner of the Daily Budget.
He was the millionaire owner of the New York Herald.
An ex-police dog named Rex inherits fortunes from his eccentric millionaire owner.
The mural's placement at a ritzy hotel and commission by its millionaire owner also seems to challenge Siqueiros' anti-capitalist ideology.
The company and town were namesakes of its millionaire owner, George Pullman.