This condition implies that some of the knowledge the mind possesses is delivered through alternate channels than conscious intent.
It was not difficult; the minds he sought were different, possessed some small powers of their own.
Their inward minds possess different energy configurations to ours.
Kant declared that human minds possess pure or a priori concepts.
No execs were present in the flesh, but on the first day Chandler lost count of how many different minds possessed his own.
Beattie held that the mind possesses a common sense, or power for perceiving self-evident truths.
Even Astra admits the machine could have done little if the human mind did not already possess the capability.
The mind in samadhi possess power than a normal mind does not.
Rana Harter's mind had never possessed a sharp sense of irony.
And since we have the ability to make discoveries, man's mind must possess an innate particle of the mind of God.