His mind jumped and quivered.
His mind quivered in its dark corner, abnormally conscious of strange and unnatural pressures that pushed in at it like winds out of unearthly night.
The Drone body and mind quivered with reaction and fear.
His conscious mind quivered under the blow.
His mind retched and quivered in terror-then quieted as some vast thing of calm touched it, soothing, stilling.
The stranger's voice rose almost to a shriek, his mind quivered in an ecstasy of horror.
Her mind was quivering with shock, but she clung to the knowledge of her own power.
His mind was quivering, thoughts jumping, with the burden of his own divine madness.
The scientist's mind had been quivering with eagerness.
I watched the live broadcast of Lucia di Lamermoor at my local cinema last Saturday and my mind is still quivering.