His mind tended to stretch out of shape as he reviewed the matter.
The mind tends to enjoy this at the cost of the soul as well as the body.
In thinking, too, our minds tend to take the path of least resistance - those avenues most familiar to us.
When the back is not straight, the mind tends to lose focus.
"The human mind tends to alter that which it does not want to believe."
Her father's mind lived in the past, and tended to be disdainful of the present.
When we are not busy, our minds tend to become a near-vacuum.
It was not easy for him to focus; his mind tended to wander.
Pavek's mind tends to stray while he is in class, so keep an eye on him.
I've spent so long worrying about what's over the next hill that my mind tends to spin out of control when I'm in four walls.