Double ikats, objects of often mind-boggling complexity, are designs dyed on both the warp and the weft.
The largest exhibition of 20th-century Latin American art ever assembled, it occupies 25 galleries and much of the ground-floor lobby at the museum, achieving a state of almost mind-boggling complexity.
As a result, office denizens now stare at computer screens of mind-boggling complexity, as they juggle messages, text documents, PowerPoint presentations, spreadsheets and Web browsers all at once.
This is funny, the artist spoofing his own avant-gardist pretensions, but it also sets up a kind of Borgesian hall of mirrors wherein one glimpses the mind-boggling complexity of self-consciousness.
I was now faced with the administration of a problem of almost mind-boggling complexity.
So, advocates, lawyers and other immigration experts say, the chaos is understandable, especially given the mind-boggling complexity of immigration law.
This story also pertains to Gregor Schneider's installation of a house, a kind of maze of mind-boggling complexity and deep psychic intensity, within the German pavilion.
Furthermore, characterizations by the author referring to the act as a "centralized, intrusive and redistributive scheme of mind-boggling complexity" more properly appear on the editorial page.
The new budget agreement continues the trend of the last eight years toward mind-boggling complexity in the formulas used to calculate Medicare payments to doctors and hospitals.
But scientists are now using genetics and biotechnology to gradually unravel the mind-boggling complexity of the immune system.