Instead, they engage in mindless activities that could breed depression and boredom like drinking and watching endless bad movies.
Collecting plant specimens isn't exactly a mindless activity.
It is embarrassing to admit that I don't find all this mindless activity one bit boring.
He says consciousness may be "the result of simple mindless activities coupled together."
There is a tendency, particularly among certain academics, to depict women of past generations as drudges, engaged in mindless activities that symbolized their oppression.
They have no means to provide real schooling or basic medical care, so children spend their days engaged in mindless activities, and many die from treatable illnesses.
The conventional wisdom about arrow-button channel surfing is that it's an aimless, mindless, vegetative activity.
How am I supposed to help Leah when she crams every spare minute of the day with mindless activity?
Dancing is not a mindless activity, but it is about watching the body, not the mind, solve problems under extreme circumstances.
That life is not viewed in one's living room, where mindless activity - rustling, rib-poking - rather than quiet attention seems to be the norm.