Despite this knowledge, Pitrick could think only of total, mindless destruction.
I find it a bit disturbing that a 9 year old is writing about a dystopian future of mindless destruction.
Was it a time of necessary truth-telling or of mindless destruction?
However, he is not above mindless destruction, and will murder anyone with no remorse whatsoever.
It is quite another when the Towers devote themselves to mindless destruction.
Why so much mindless destruction, with such effort?
It filled the shadowed room with a fury that whispered of death and mindless destruction.
Brawn without brains can't accomplish much beyond wreaking glorious, mindless destruction.
Even today, the word 'kamikaze' evokes among Japan's former enemies visions of crazed, mindless destruction.
The treaty that has emerged after arduous negotiations will at least begin to mitigate the mindless destruction.