Almost overnight, film westerns, which had once been considered mindless entertainment, were transformed into the personal visions of auteur directors.
Too much mindless entertainment cannot be good for little q..
Who looks for mindless entertainment when it's on an infinite screen near you?
It's an alright movie, provided you expect nothing more than mindless entertainment.
Though an educated man and a professional intelligence officer, Nomuri liked mindless entertainment as much as anyone else.
The inspiration for the company name came from Cronin's mother, who called TV "that mindless entertainment".
She's aiming to build a future audience for complex theater and rich language, in this era of endless easy distraction and mindless entertainment.
"No more heartache-time to relax with some mindless entertainment."
IN hard times, it is said that lightweight, even mindless, entertainment thrives.
At the end of the week, people are tired, their brains are fried and they want mindless entertainment.