The mine also extracts pyrite, chalcopyrite, magnesite, native gold, and native silver.
The mine extracted uranium from the rocks of southwestern Byram.
The mine extracted more than 591,535 tons of copper ore from the earth, and at its peak employed more than 800 workers.
In 1927, these mines extracted about 2,600,000 tonnes to maintain one extraction of 16,800,000 tonnes.
In the valley here, two mines operating on government leases are extracting gold worth billions of dollars.
The mine would have extracted water from the aquifer below the lake and would also have involved construction between the lake and the Zuni.
Its mines extract 2.7 million tons of coal a year and a billion cubic feet of methane a month from the hills around Hueytown.
The mine originally extracted copper, the 1850s being the mine's peak production of the metal, with a work force of 130.
As of 2007, six mines (open cast or underground) were extracting oil shale in Estonia.
Some mines still extract coal with explosives, a technique that has changed little in 100 years.