Some underground mines from the 1950s remain, but are close to depletion.
Even though there was an operation permit filed in 2007, the mine still remains inactive.
While the mines and lights remained in place, security of the actual plant had slackened somewhat over the winter months.
But your race would go, and mine remain, save that you alone continued.
It was formerly a coal mining town but today only one open-cast mine remains.
Only a few mines now remain, but natural resources remain crucial to the local economy.
So secretive are their sale and deployment that nobody really knows where or how many mines remain in the ground.
Following the miners' strike, the only two deep mines remained working in Wales.
Even though the mine remained in use for the next 300 years, the production gradually diminished, until it closed down in 1992.
No one knows how many mines remain in Afghanistan; estimates range upward into the millions.