The vein was deposited, he says, by mineral-laden water that welled up and turned this desolate site into an oasis.
This made it possible to monitor eruptions of mineral-laden hot water for as long as 28 days.
Crawling among these were bizarre slugs and worms, some feeding on the plants, others obtaining their food directly from the mineral-laden waters around them.
During outgoing tides, these channels pump cool, mineral-laden fresh water into the pool.
The collision created sufficient crustal heating to drive mineral-laden water up through numerous fissures along the contact zone.
It is home to numerous natural hot springs, in which mineral-laden waters are heated by geothermal processes.
This was formed when surface drying caused mineral-laden water to rise by capillary action to the surface.
The steaming, mineral-laden waters are also reputed to be responsible for the disproportionate number of radiant-looking men and women walking around.
Europeans prefer heavier, more mineral-laden waters.
In these scalding mineral-laden waters, bacteria flourish.