Darryl knelt between the other two horses, an arm around each of their necks, a look of mingled shock and hor- ror on his face.
The statue must be worth a fortune, Kate realized in mingled shock and interest.
Karal rose to his feet, somewhat unsteadily, and stared at his mentor trembling from head to foot in mingled shock and fear.
The Priest looked the gryphon straight in the eye, as Karal shivered with mingled shock and apprehension.
Jonathan stares in mingled shock and admiration at a wall frieze above the long white couch: a pack of man-sized prehistoric monsters, dinosaurs.
He closed the door himself, heard it being locked, and then returned to the mirror to examine himself-with mingled shock and amusement.
"I don't have a single black major donor over $1,000," Ms. Campbell said the other day, with mingled shock and resignation.
Vilkas and Jim were staring at one another in mingled shock and apprehension.
Family and friends who had learned about her agency results viewed her with mingled shock, fascination, and pity.
She felt a moment of mingled shock and dismay.