Find out what happens when a soldier pulls the pin and tosses one of these miniature bombs at the enemy.
Dr. Johnson was eager to understand the damage that Soviet miniature bombs - bomblets, in military parlance - might inflict.
He drew forth a small, round object, that appeared to be a miniature bomb.
Perhaps a miniature bomb?
Kaczynski planted miniature bombs in mail packages sent to selected targets that killed three people and injured 23.
Each projectile released its kinetic energy like a miniature bomb on the first solid object it struck.
The cats then destroy the Dragons with "pinlights", miniature nuclear bombs whose blast gives off pure visible radiance that can destroy the dragons.
A miniature nuclear bomb?
After tamping these miniature bombs with a long metal rod, he would light the fuses and run for cover from the explosions and shattering rocks.
If you leave a gap here," she pointed to the bottom end of the barrel, "what you've done, essentially, is build a miniature bomb.