Both companies make sutures and miniature surgical instruments.
As for the miniature surgical instruments, the economics and safety of re-usables versus disposables is hotly disputed.
His "Aida" featured a cast of 400, plus 92 musicians, each with a miniature instrument.
He put the miniature instrument back in his coat.
That day we were in luck: a gorgeous trumpet flower, orange and mauve and, indeed, somewhat resembling a miniature musical instrument, had fallen from the vine.
The ends of the robotic arms are fitted with miniature surgical instruments that are capable of moving in any direction.
Several miniature musical instruments fell out and began to play maniacally, as if trying to get an entire concerto into a three-second burst.
A miniature instrument, with a range of a few yards.
But what are those miniature flying instruments swarming around the area here?
In addition to the portable units, the market offers a number of miniature battery-powered instruments for field service applications.