In the "Shark Voyage," a miniature locomotive takes visitors through a giant glass tunnel filled with live sharks.
Ottaway soon built a track for his miniature locomotive around the Manitou Springs, Colorado, racetrack and operated the train there for some time.
The current location of the park came into existence on June 12, 1949, primarily to give Harold's miniature locomotive a permanent home in Kansas.
A myriad of visiting railway locomotives, steam boats, miniature locomotives, static steam engines and even a steam powered car were features.
On 14 May 1949, the society held their first exhibition of miniature locomotives in a field off Swakeleys Road.
At that time steam was the only form of power and the tractor resembled a miniature locomotive.
In the 1948 reenactment of the driving of the last spike, miniature locomotives were furnished by the Southern Pacific.
Mr. Lennox was breathing like a miniature locomotive.
The miniature locomotive and cars will be back on display after years at Lake Compounce, but it would be too dangerous to run the train line as a ride, Ms. Levine said.
However much of the new line was steeply graded and it became obvious that a miniature locomotive like Synolda would not be capable of working the new line efficiently.