City managers are frequently hired amidst high hopes, yet minimal criteria, and mutual resolve to do better; then fired a few years later, almost ritually and sometimes spectacularly.
Any recognized national or international organization can apply if it meets certain minimal criteria.
In the declaratory theory of statehood, an entity becomes a state as soon as it meets the minimal criteria for statehood.
But the Dining section's wine panel found recently that pinot grigio can meet these minimal criteria, yet be much more than that.
That study revealed that 89 percent of patients received written information when their new prescriptions were filled, but only about 50 percent of the CMI met minimal criteria for usefulness.
For Al-Rodhan, the eight minimal criteria of good governance are expressions of the fundamental values of democracy and more liberal constitutionalism.
The audit found that 25,315 documents were withdrawn from public access, far more than the 9,000 they estimated in February, and that 64 percent met the minimal criteria for classification.
The minimal criteria include both of the following:
While having a democratic electoral apparatus, it differs from traditional liberal democracy by instead suggesting that candidates for office and the body electorate should meet a certain minimal criterion of problem-solving or creative intelligence.
With minimal criteria on which to judge a school's performance and no league tables to speak of, word-of-mouth advice is usually key to any decision making process.