Days ago, on minimal evidence, she'd known he would come here, and now his shade loomed like the unseen horror in a nightmare.
The debate is whether the Beloved Disciple could have come to believe in the resurrection based on such minimal evidence.
The debate is largely emotional with minimal anecdotal evidence of harm from early discharge.
The question is often asked, but the minimal evidence available suggests not.
There have also been repeated complaints of Afghans being detained on minimal evidence.
Few of the old factories have been rebuilt, and there is minimal evidence of new ones.
In some studies, the use of Vitamin A supplements has been linked to an increased rate mortality, but there is minimal evidence to show this.
Generally, it takes very minimal evidence to persuade a judge to hold the suspect for trial.
These are merely legends with minimal archaeological evidence to support.
Alas, the coconut milk was thin as water, with minimal evidence of curry.