The latest figures indicate that 41pc of people in care homes are self-funders, who receive minimal help towards costs.
With minimal help from a lawyer, he plans to negotiate his own deal next summer, a contract that could approach $125 million over six years.
He felt that if they were to cross that threshold, it had to be with minimal help from him.
He controls the business with only minimal help.
Moreover, tax credits or deductions would be of minimal help to poor people, who pay little or nothing in taxes.
Table 5.9 demonstrates that the state provided minimal help with shopping except to those living alone.
The truancy workers find that one of every five children straighten out with minimal help.
However, he is of minimal help since his wife usually takes the lead in dealing with their daughter.
However, her main work is the genre of young readers' novels in which children have their own adventures with minimal adult help.
The latest draft has provided minimal help so far.