Also, at this early period, there was minimal need for an instrument that would function at 16' doubling an 8' bass line.
The minimal need is for international inspection of all nuclear facilities and a halt to work on the reprocessing plant.
Still, given the minimal electrical needs of a car without power anything, we should have been able to drive quite a way on a well-charged battery.
In selecting a home base, try to meet each family member's minimal needs.
With minimal life-support needs, ninety percent of a ship's energy can be devoted to its propulsion system.
This enables appliance based solutions to be transferred from engineer to engineer with minimal need for training and documentation.
For that, one's minimal needs are a decent compass and topographic maps drawn to a suitable scale.
But technology has advanced to where there is a minimal need for additional tollbooths.
"It's very clear that the President's budget is totally inadequate to meet the minimal needs of veterans."
The requirements are essentially two: that the work be new and that it have minimal needs in lighting, sets and costumes.