It was not uncommon to find someone holding a senior rank, such as lieutenant colonel, possessing minimal qualifications or having little to no responsibilities for a rank of that stature.
After first accepting students with minimal educational qualifications, in 1961 the School of Nursing made high school graduation a pre-requisite for entrance.
Among the perennial reasons cited for the corruption here were minimal hiring qualifications, the absence of an effective system for weeding out officers accused of misconduct, and low pay.
The California Legislature passed a law in 1988 requiring document preparers to have minimal qualifications and to obtain a state license.
Some associations test or certify prospective inspectors, but engineering or architectural education is not required among their minimal qualifications and training.
"The minimal but unrelenting qualification was to be white, Anglo-Saxon in heritage and Protestant in religion," he notes.
And throughout the 1990's, New Jersey grew increasingly Democratic; Gore would take the state in a walkover, and Corzine won despite minimal qualifications.
Anyone with minimal qualifications who fills out a brief form and pays $30 may obtain a license.
To prepare for the rush, the agency relies on seasonal workers with minimal qualifications, paying $8.38 to $10.33 an hour.
Widespread problems exist of minimal qualifications and poor quality providers of training, and as the industry becomes more professional, it is trying to self-regulate to eliminate these.