Many converting companies will process large diameter, wide rolls of material as this increases the converting efficiency by minimising changes.
In both oxidation states the metal is high spin, which helps to minimize structural changes.
This requires minimizing changes to software every time a new mission proposal comes up, particularly one that implements new flight dynamics technologies.
The objective of the conversion is to maximise the retention of the house's original architectural features and decorations, while minimising structural changes.
This minimizes changes to specifications and receiver designs.
The fuel tanks of the Kite were in the wing roots, again to minimise changes in trim.
In effect these amounted to the ending of dual nomenclature, but with safeguards to minimize changes in familiar names.
The new length also minimized changes to the launch tower.
The design team also attempted to minimize changes in the aircraft's trim at varying speeds, thus reducing the pilot's workload.
Shifts are adjusted to minimize changes in the nursing staff caring for a patient.